Monday, December 23, 2013

Top 10 Wow Factor Mall Christmas Decor

Top 10 Wow Factor Mall Christmas Decor


By Stephanie & Joras

Schools are on holiday and the year is coming to an end , which means it’s that time of the year again. Christmas! It kinda snuck up on us, didn’t it? Before we know it, nationwide malls are decorated with extravagant Christmas décor, attracting people on a mass scale! People are triggered to go on a mall hopping tour as the theme for each mall differs. Below are some highlights of the top 10 must see mall Christmas décor this year. Have you gone for most of it? Let’s go see it before it’s too late!


One Utama – Hanging mid air are vibrantly coloured hot air balloons, depicting a dreamlike kingdom of the sky. On ground, you can see old fashioned stalls selling Christmas goodies and at different times, shoppers are serenaded by Christmas choir. A treat for eyes and ears.

1 Utama- 以热气球为主,强烈的色调及气球的形状高挂在空中,仿佛置身空中之城一般梦幻。场地内也有少许的圣诞牛车摊摆卖圣诞装饰,在不同的时段也有合唱团为大众演绎圣诞歌,让到那儿购物的消费者有着视觉与听觉上的享受!

Avenue K – Demonstrating a purple dream theme and bringing the nutcracker to life. Various nutcrackers were displayed in within a cluster of realistic hanging ornament from the original nutcracker musical setting. The setting also includes the ballet dancer, an important figure from the nutcracker story, making the whole setting extremely musical-like and realistic.

Avenue K – 以紫色梦幻为主,故事背景的主题为《胡桃夹子》。有着许多不一样的胡桃模型,空中悬挂着圣诞装饰,活灵活现。当然也少不了在剧中不可或缺的芭蕾舞者,从视觉的角度来看,仿佛在欣赏《胡桃夹子》般。

Bangsar Shopping Centre – Presenting a Christmas candlelight dinner in a grand, giant setting. You will feel like a dwarf when walking under the huge dining table. A truly unique Christmas décor for the giants!

Bangsar Shopping Centre- 大型的餐桌,大型的烛光晚餐,华丽堂皇的灯饰,如进入大人国一般,人走在里面都格外的渺小。这次的主题的设置都是以大型为主,颜色较强烈,非常能够抓住众人的目光!

Fahrenheit – The candy garden, bear and Santa décor created this haven for children. Many kids’ eyes seem to sparkle, longing to bring the bears home while staring at the fantasy themed Christmas garden.


Suria KLCC – With a simple but elegant theme, the traditional décor attracts attention with its warm and nostalgic feel. Unlike most mall Christmas décor, this décor brings warmth to the heart with its thoughtful theme making you feel nostalgic for the old days. 

Suria KLCC – 以不张扬的形式,传统的圣诞装饰及不夸张的摆设手法脱颖而出。在圣诞装饰的选择上并没有像其它商场那么的鲜艳,但确实多了一份份暖,以温馨出发。

Mid Valley – A white theme with a snow castle and hanging snowflakes, portraying a white winter wonderland with snowflakes falling from the sky. The setting is also decorated with trees and reindeers made of paper boxes, exuding artful and eco feel.

 Mid Valley – 一串串的雪花从天而降,以白色为主营造出雪城堡的感觉。在场地上可看见一些圣诞树及花鹿都是由纸皮所制成,具有环保意义。

Paradigm Mall – Welcome to Remem-Bear Villa! Bears of different colour and shapes represent our memories of the bears in our lives. The bears were displayed in a multi leveled villa and highlighted with white bear trains. The endearing touch of the Remem-Bear villa catches the attention of young girls and kids nationwide.

Paradigm Mall- 欢迎来到会议熊的别墅!把不同颜色、大小、男男女女的回忆熊摆在一起,实在是可爱极了!以会议熊的屋子为概念,还可以看见会议熊所程搭的卡通火车,非常吸引小女孩与孩子们的目光。

Pavilion – You will feel like you’re entering a winter wonderland surrounded by white snowflake when entering this extravagant Christmas setting. The merry-go-round and white castle adds to the extravagance, bringing us back to our childhood days.

Pavilion – 以蓝白色的游乐园为主,银白色的雪花看起来非常亮眼,仿佛进入了积满雪花的花园!旋转木马及白色城堡,像是进入仙境传说般,把我们拉回童年梦幻时光!

Sunway Pyramid – Decorated with angel wings and a giant white glass Christmas tree, the atmosphere is an ultimate fairytale romance. Angel wings were placed throughout the mall for photography purposes. The wings also represent an instrument that spreads our love and messages.

Sunway Pyramid – 以天使之翼为主题,白色圣诞树下的许愿池好像童话故事般浪漫,白色羽翼可供人们在那里拍照留念。翅膀在空中飞翔,把人们心中的祷念一一传达,营造出神圣洁白的许愿圣地。

Times Square – As the mall is situated in a tourist attraction spot, the colour of gold and red enhanced with extensive bling blings, attract eager tourists left and right. The giant sparkling tree is surrounded by hanging ornaments circling the tree and lights shining down. This setting depicts new hope and lighting up the road ahead.

Time Square -  金色,大红色闪闪夺目,引来了众多旅客的到来。巨大闪闪发光的圣诞树是时代广场的标志,一圈圈悬吊在天花板上的金色吊饰反影出从天射下来的光芒,代表着新希望,迈向光芒道路。


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